Pesticides in dried and dehydrated fruit: a growing concern

The consumption of dried and dehydrated fruit is constantly growing in Europe in the last years.

This is mainly due to the numerous positive effects that these products have on health, and also considering that they are easily found on large-scale distribution in various formats.

The increase in consumption of dried and dehydrated fruit is closely related to an increase in production. The cultivation of these products has become more and moe intense, which means that the use of pesticides is applied in order to increase the yield.

It is important to be careful with the importations, since outside of the European Union the safety standards are not always the same. Some RASFF (the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) are reported about imported consignments, as an example the RASFF 2021.7035 highlighted that an importation of groundnuts coming from Brazil was blocked at the Dutch custom because of the presence of pesticides over the law limit.

Test Veritas is always at the side of its customers, specifically to the laboratories that chose to implement this type of control analysis.

Starting form some customer suggestions, the research and development department is working to plan a new PT for the research of pesticides in pistachio. In order to make your needs count, take part in our survey, it will last just 2 minutes, and you will contribute to the planning of the PT.

Click here to answer the survey: Pesticides in dried and dehydrsated fruit

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