Our programme for Progetto Trieste for 2024 is now available: check it and find out the PTs of your interest!
Why choosing our Proficiency Testing?
- Progetto Trieste is EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 accredited and Test Veritas has 25 years of experience as a proficiency testing provider.
- Internationalization: customers from all over the world participate to Progetto Trieste.
- Efficient customer care pre and after sale.
- Flexibility: our proposals are continuosly tailor-made on customers’ needs.
- Huge expertise in producing stable animal origin Test Materials.
- Niche PTs: our company is specialized in organizing rare PTs you won’t find anywhere else!
- With us the convenience doubles! For all the PTs that are part of Progetto Trieste it is possible to submit 2 sets of results: with just one subscription you can receive in the Final Report the evaluation of 2 laboratory technicians, or 2 different techniques.
- SAVE ON SHIPPING COSTS! Several PTs are scheduled to be shipped on the same date in order to reduce shipping costs and import management. Order as many PTs as you want among the ones shipped on the same date: the shipping cost does not change!
Are you interested in a particular PT line? Find out more about our strenght for each line:
– Veterinary Drug Residues (pages 3-16 of our programme):
- Separate evaluation data for screening and confirmatory methods, with the assigned value deriving only from quantitative confirmatory results. This feature of our PTs respects the requirement of UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 to use fit-for-purpose methods of evaluation, makes the assigned value more reliable and the assessment more valid. Even if you are using a screening method, the PT simulates what you would do in the routine (comparing your results with confirmatory ones). The semi-quantitative (< or >) and qualitative screening results receive evaluations provided with dedicated criteria. The quantitative screening and confirmatory results are evaluated through z-score.
- More reliable assigned value due to more stability of Test Materials. Most of them are provided as lyophilized (to be tested after reconstitution). In this way, regardless of the provenience of the laboratory, every participant can be sure to receive the Test Material in the same conditions. Once reconstituted it is the same as in your routine!
- In 2024 we offer many different matrices for Veterinary Drug Residues: muscle (swine/bovine/turkey/hen/chicken/rabbit), liver (sheep/bovine/swine), gut, eggs, urine (bovine/swine), bovine milk, bovine serum, fish, shrimps, medicated and non-medicated feed, and light honey.
- Mainly multi-contaminated materials are provided. Several molecules of the same family or several families will be present in the same PT.
- In some cases, the participation provides 2 different Test Materials, (they can be both contaminated or one of them could be blank). In the PT, as in the routine, the laboratory technicians do not know if they are testing a contaminated or a blank material. In this way, the laboratory could be assessed also for False Positive results or for method performances at different levels of concentrations.
- Information about False Positives is provided in the Final Report.
- Whenever possible we provide incurred (naturally contaminated) Test Materials that allow to evaluate the method extraction capability.
- 2024 niche PTs: M4411 for nitrofuran metabolites in gut, M4306 for ethinylestradiol in muscle …and much more!
– Freshness parameters (page 9 of our programme):
- Convenient fee: 2 Test Materials for histamine are included. You will be evaluated at different concentrations levels with only one subscription! So, with our PT the convenience doubles: you will receive 1 Test Material with High Level of Histamine and 1 Test Material with Low Level of Histamine.
- Furthermore, it is possible to submit 2 sets of results: with just one subscription you can evaluate 2 laboratory technicians, or 2 different techniques. Both results will be evaluated in the Final Report. So, for histamine you can send up to 4 results!
- Separate evaluation data for screening and confirmatory methods, with the assigned value deriving only from quantitative confirmatory results. This feature of our PTs respects the requirement of UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 to use fit-for-purpose methods of evaluation, makes the assigned value more reliable and the assessment more valid. Even if you are using a screening method, the PT simulates what you would do in the routine (comparing your results with confirmatory ones). The semi-quantitative (< or >) and qualitative screening results receive evaluations provided with dedicated criteria. The quantitative screening and confirmatory results are evaluated through z-score.
- More reliable assigned value due to more stability of Test Materials. Most of them are provided as lyophilized (to be tested after reconstitution). In this way, regardless of the provenience of the laboratory, every participant can be sure to receive the Test Material in the same conditions. Once reconstituted it is the same as in your routine!
- For Histamine incurred (naturally contaminated) Test Materials are provided to allow method extraction capability evaluation. For Biogenic Amines, incurred Test Materials could also be provided.
- You will find: T4400 for Histamine (2 levels) and T4401 for Biogenic Amines.
– Mycotoxins (pages 22-24 of our programme):
- Mainly natural multi-contaminated materials are provided. Incurred (naturally contaminated) Test Materials allow to evaluate the method extraction capability.
- Separate evaluation data for screening and confirmatory methods, with the assigned value deriving only from quantitative confirmatory results. This feature of our PTs respects the requirement of UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 to use fit-for-purpose methods of evaluation, makes the assigned value more reliable and the assessment more valid. Even if you are using a screening method, the PT simulates what you would do in the routine (comparing your results with confirmatory ones). The semi-quantitative (< or >) screening results receive evaluations provided with dedicated criteria. The quantitative screening and confirmatory results are evaluated through z-score.
- In 2024 we offer many different matrices for Mycotoxins: cereals (maize flour, wheat), nuts (peanuts), green coffee, milk, apple juice and feed.
- Niche PT: WH4705 ergot alkaloids in wheat.
- Innovated for you: MA4500 maize flour naturally multicontaminated with Aflatoxins B/G, Fumonisins, Ochratoxin A, DON and ZEN. Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 will all be present.
– Acrylamide (pages 23 of our program):
- Real process contamination Test materials (not spiked) The laboratories must prefer this kind of Test Materials instead of spiked ones, to evaluate the method extraction capability.
- Separate evaluation data for screening and confirmatory methods, with the assigned value deriving only from quantitative confirmatory results. This feature of our PTs respects the requirement of UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 to use fit-for-purpose methods of evaluation, makes the assigned value more reliable and the assessment more valid. Even if you are using a screening method, the PT simulates what you would do in the routine (comparing your results with confirmatory ones). The semi-quantitative (< or >) screening results receive evaluations provided with dedicated criteria. The quantitative screening and confirmatory results are evaluated through z-score.
- You will find: BF4606 for acrylamide in baby biscuits and CH4607 for acrylamide in potato chips.
– Metals (page 20 of our programme):
- More reliable assigned value due to more stability of Test Materials. Most of them are provided as lyophilized (to be tested after reconstitution). In this way, regardless of the provenience of the laboratory, every participant can be sure to receive the Test Material in the same conditions. Once reconstituted it is the same as in your routine!
- In 2024 we offer many different matrices for Metals: lettuce, bovine muscle, fish, milk, powdered eggs honey and legumes.
- Multi-contaminated materials are provides. All molecules will be present.
- Niche PT: E4909 multicontaminated for metals (As/Pb/Cd/Ni/Hg/Tl/Se/Cu/Mn/Al/Zn) in powdered eggs… and much more!
– Pesticide Residues (pages 17-19 of our programme):
- In general, our Proficiency Tests for Pesticide Residues have a very conspicuous list of molecules under study. A minimum number of molecules will be present. the presence will be guarateed and declared for some of the molecules under study. Don’t forget to check our programme to know the declared molecules, it will be updated soon!
- More reliable assigned value due to more stability of Test Materials. Most of them are provided as lyophilized (to be tested after reconstitution). In this way, regardless of the provenience of the laboratory, every participant can be sure to receive the Test Material in the same conditions. Once reconstituted it is the same as in your routine!
- In 2024 we offer many different matrices for Pesticides Residues: spinach, salmon, eggs, honey, chicken muscle, swine fat. Can’t find the right matrix for your needs? Write us and let us know your interest! For years, we have been collecting all our customers’ requests which are difficult to find on the market. Our aim is to constantly improve our services by bringing them closer to participants’ needs for pesticides.
- Blank material available! For all the proposed matrices, there is an option to purchase the blank material (test material before spiking).
- You will find, for example: VF4800 for pesticides in spinach more the 260 molecules under study with at least 9 molecules present, M4805 for pesticides in swine fat with at least 5 molecules present… and much more!
– Disinfectants by products (pages 17-19 of our programme):
Try our new PT for chlorate and perchlorate in baby powdered milk MI4806!
This in our new 2024 PT line born form our customers’ requests. We are open to collect your suggestion to match your needs for this assessment. Write us at info@testveritas.com!
– Additives (page 21 of our programme):
- More reliable assigned value due to more stability of Test Materials. When necessary they are provided as lyophilized (to be tested after reconstitution). In this way, regardless of the provenience of the laboratory, every participant can be sure to receive the Test Material in the same conditions. Once reconstituted it is the same as in your routine!
- Dynamic PT line: every year we change our proposal for covering the huge market demand on matrix/analyte combination.
- In 2024 you will find CE4206 natamycin in hard cheese, SF4307 citric acid, benzoic acid and sorbic acid in fish, M4308 illegal dyes SUDAN in meat, SF4907 sulphites in shrimp… don’t miss the chance to subscribe!
If you want to see more details about this or other PTs, such as the schedule, prices… go to this page to download the entire programme.
Here you can find information on HOW TO ORDER.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us at info@testveritas.com.
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