New PTs for Mycotoxins
Our line of Progetto Trieste – Proficiency Tests for Mycotoxins is always evolving to meet the interest of our customers. So in 2025, our PTs for Mycotoxins are even more, come and discover our news:
-Zearalenone in maize oil
-Aflatoxins B&G and ochratoxin A in hazelnut and cocoa spread
-Ochratoxin A in roasted AND green coffee
-Aflatoxins B&G and ochratoxin in rice
New blank materials CHARACTERIZED for Veterinary Drug Residues!
Starting this year, given the increasing number of requests, Test Veritas decided to implement a dedicated line of blank materials for Veterinary Drug Residues to be made available to testing laboratories. During 2024 we introduced for the first time alongside some PTs the availability of blank materials, specifically in the two PTs for the detection … Continue reading New blank materials CHARACTERIZED for Veterinary Drug Residues!
NEW PTs for Disinfectants by Products!
We are glad to introduce you our NEW PTs line for “Disinfectant by Products” in food. In 2025, for the first time, we will propose a PT for chlorates, perchlorates and pesticides in infant formula and a PT for Biocides in vegetables!
NEWS 2025: PT for PAH in OLIVE OIL
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals composed of carbon and hydrogen, characterised by the presence of two or more interconnected benzene rings. These compounds are environmental contaminants formed during the combustion of organic materials, such as coal, wood, petroleum derivatives and organic waste. Dietary contamination by PAHs can be of origin: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are … Continue reading NEWS 2025: PT for PAH in OLIVE OIL
STEROIDAL HORMONES PTs (Gestagens and Corticosteroids)
Our Research & Development team set to work with the aim of satisfying the new needs coming from the market, we are therefore very proud to announce that in 2025 new PTs for steroidal hormones will be available, in particular: Corticosteroids in bovine milk and Gestagens in animal fat.
Moreover, in our 2025 catalog you can find also the PTs for the search for corticosteroids in 3 different matrices: milk, liver and urines.
PT for DNSH: aligned with European Regulations for nitrofuran metabolites
The RPA for nitrofurans and their metabolites in food are established by The COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2023/411 of 23 February 2023. Have you checked your method for the presence of ALL the nitrofuran metabolites in a PT? Now you can!
We are pleased to inform you that we are also accredited UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 for the PROCESSING CONTAMINANT line. Click here to see the list of accredited flexible-field schemes. Thanks are certainly due to you participants for the trust you place in us. Don’t miss the chance to try our quality, in 2025 … Continue reading NEW ACCREDITED LINE: Progetto Trieste – PROCESSING CONTAMINANT
New blank samples available for nitrofuran metabolites PTs
Given the increasing number of requests, Test Veritas has also decided to start making some blank samples for Veterinary Drug Residues available to testing laboratories. This year, we made an effort to make this new service available for two PTs to search for nitrofuran metabolites : For both proficiency tests, a ‘pre-spiking’ blank sample, consisting … Continue reading New blank samples available for nitrofuran metabolites PTs
Use of Blanks in Routine and PT – Survey Results
Over the past year we have noticed an increase in requests from participants for blank samples to accompany the purchase of the Progetto Trieste Proficiency Tests.In order to identify the ways in which blank samples are commonly used by testing laboratories during routine analysis and when participating in interlaboratory circuits, and to understand whether these … Continue reading Use of Blanks in Routine and PT – Survey Results
Expanding the list of molecules under study for sulphonamides
Sulphonamides are widely used in veterinary practice, mainly for fattening calves and pigs. In combination with dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors (e.g. trimethoprim), sulphonamides are also used in the treatment of intestinal infections, mastitis, pneumonia and other systemic diseases. It is therefore possible to find sulphonamide residues in food of animal origin such as meat, tissue, milk … Continue reading Expanding the list of molecules under study for sulphonamides
Characterized Blank Control Materials: a need for laboratories
Are you looking for previously characterized Blank Control Materials for your routine analysis and can't find them on the market? Come discover our available blanks for Veterinary Drug Residue and Metals lines!
We are happy to announce that for the proficiency testing scheme Progetto Trieste a new version of the evaluation criteria has came into effect since 2024. These changes have been implemented to fully with ISO 13528:2022 'Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison'.
PT in Feed expands in 2024: come and discover them all!
New PTs that feature the FEED matrix:
– PT for the research of Tetracyclines, Sulphonamides e Trimethoprim in medicated feed
-PT for the research of Coccidiostatics and Erythromycin (carry-over) in feed
-PT for the research of DON, T-2 and HT-2 in feed
Pesticide Residues PT: our new proposals in 2024
Come and discover our whole proposal for Pesticide Resdiues PTs – round of October 2024.
Office closure
Available for consultation the midweek closing days of the whole current year.
Official controls for Corticosteroids: urine, liver but also muscle.
In recent years, in order to fight the illicit use of these drugs, a growing demand has emerged from the market for an innovative method for the detection of corticosteroids (or their effects) even at low doses or in matrices different from those traditionally used (e.g. milk, muscle, water, feed) to accompany official controls.
Did you know that… Natamycin PT in hard cheese is back in 2024?
Survey responses in 2021 showed concrete interest in a new PT for Natamycin in hard cheese, so we decided to develop it and offer it in the 2022 catalogue to meet market needs.
In general, the results of this circuit held in 2022 were satisfactory (with a 92% satisfaction rate!). We are therefore delighted to propose it again in 2024!
1 PT with 2 levels of histamine in very stable test materials & 1 PT for other Biogenic Amines!
Did you know that our PTs for Fresheness Parameters in food provide higly stable Test Materials? And that for Histamine 2 naturally contaminated Tets Materials at different concentration levels are provided? And that we have a PT for other Biogenic Amines?
Ergot alkaloids: new PT to keep up with regulations
Test Veritas is at the side of laboratories that want to assess their performance in view of the entry into force of the new Ergot alkaloid maximum levels.
Sorbic, citric and benzoic acid in fish: a request from participants
One of the greatest strengths of Test Veritas is the constant effort to collect and assess the feasibility of all requests from participants and local partners. During the Round of May 2023 – Additives, was held for the first time the PT for the research of citric, benzoic and sorbic acid in tomato sauce. The … Continue reading Sorbic, citric and benzoic acid in fish: a request from participants
Niche PTs for Veterinary Drug Residues in 2024!
For 2024 Progetto Trieste updates its programme with NEW Niche PTs for Veterinary Drug Residues. Come and discover them!
The evolution of our PT for Dyes in meat
In 2023, Test Veritas introduced the PT for red dyes in meat into its catalogue for the first time (Round of May 2023). Following numerous requests from participants and thanks to all all the inputs collected with our survey “Survey on PT for Red Dyes in Food” published in January 2023, our research and development … Continue reading The evolution of our PT for Dyes in meat
New matrices for PT for Metals: powdered eggs and legumes
Test Veritas specialises in niche PTs that are difficult to find on the market! In 2024, we decided to expand the offer of Project Trieste – Metals by proposing two new matrices derived from market demands: powdered eggs and legumes (chickpeas).
CORN naturally contaminated with
Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2
Fumonisins B1, B2
Ochratoxin A
Our PTs in 2024: why participate with us?
Our programme for Progetto Trieste for 2024 is now available: check it and find out the PTs of your interest! Why choosing our Proficiency Testing? Are you interested in a particular PT line? Find out more about our strenght for each line: – Veterinary Drug Residues (pages 3-16 of our programme): – Freshness parameters (page … Continue reading Our PTs in 2024: why participate with us?
New PT 2023 for Alterotoxins in tomato sauce: hurry up and sign up!
Commission Recommendation (EU) 2022/553 of 5 April 2022 identified on the relevant foodstuffs indicative levels for alternariol, alternariol monomethyl ether and tenuazonic acid beyond which in-depth investigations should be carried out into the factors determining the presence of Alterotoxis. The foodstuffs identified by the European Union are tomatoes and tomato products, fruit and fruit products, … Continue reading New PT 2023 for Alterotoxins in tomato sauce: hurry up and sign up!
PT for ochratoxin A in cured ham: take this chance!
PT for Ochratoxin A in cured ham: a returning proposal
2022 PTs partecipants Satisfaction Survey.
With the aim of a continuous improvement of the Quality Management System of our company and our Proficiency Testing Schemes.
Sulphites: how safe is the meat we eat?
Current legislation (COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No. 1129/2011) allows the use of sulphites in sausages but prohibits it in fresh meat because it can be hazardous to consumers’ health. In Annex II Part E, it is specified that sulphur dioxide – sulphites may be added: Excessive sulphites can cause serious consequences (e.g. anaphylactic shock) in sensitive … Continue reading Sulphites: how safe is the meat we eat?
PT for specific Pesticide Residues: come to discover our proposals for 2023!
In general, our Proficiency Tests for Pesticide Residues have a very conspicuous list of molecules under study. Of these, a minimum number of molecules are declared present, and for half of these, the presence is guaranteed. The molecules declared present are often derived from the suggestions of our participants. Join our community and you will … Continue reading PT for specific Pesticide Residues: come to discover our proposals for 2023!
Natural hormones in bovine serum: our new PT proposal
News for the line of Veterinary Drug residues: PT for the research of Natural Hormones in Bovine Serum
NEW 2023 PT: Ochratoxin A in pistachio
The new COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2022/1370, published on 5 August 2022 and officially entered into force on January 1st 2023, states: “Taking into account that Ochratoxin A has been found in foods for which no maximum level has yet been set and which contribute to human exposure to Ochratoxin A, it is appropriate to set … Continue reading NEW 2023 PT: Ochratoxin A in pistachio
Dapsone and Trimethoprim in swine muscle: new PTs
New PTs available for the research of Dapsone and Trimethoprim in swine muscle.
Get a special discount for a 3-Minute survey on PT for Red Dyes
Have you already taken our “Red Dyes” survey?
No? What are you waiting for! Secure a special discount today by answering our questionnaire!
Test Veritas is always open to new ideas and suggestions.
Aflatoxin M1 analysis: performance in fresh cheese VS seasoned cheese
In 2022, we wanted to offer the PT for the research of Aflatoxin M1 in cheese (code CE2111) in a slightly different formulation. Compared to previous years in which only one Test Material was provided with fresh cheese (Robiola/Ricotta type) as a matrix, in 2022 participants were provided with two Test Materials with different matrices … Continue reading Aflatoxin M1 analysis: performance in fresh cheese VS seasoned cheese
Do you want to check your performances for thyrostats analysis with a robust and stable Test Material?
Summary of participants performances in the last 2 years and new proposal for 2023.
Risks deriving from pistachio imports
Not all exporting countries meet the same food safety standards that the European Union imposes on its member states, as a result, food imports can present very serious health risks to consumers. The work of the control bodies is therefore of paramount importance.
NEWS in 2023 for PTs for Veterinary Drug Residues
More than 50 PTs for Veterinary Drug Residues in food with new and returning proposals!
Preservatives: unauthorized presence?
Among food additives, macro-categories can be distinguished according to their function: On what does the authorization depend? Before they can be introduced into the food during its production, they undergo a lengthy process of evaluating their safety. However, as stated in the REGULATION (EC) No 1333/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL, the authorization of … Continue reading Preservatives: unauthorized presence?
NEWS 2023: Aflatoxins and Ocrhatoxin A in cocoa
Starting from January 1st 2023, in the European Union, there will be an important update regarding the legal limits for the presence of Ochratoxin A (OTA) in various foods, including cocoa. European legislation currently in force for Ochratoxin A in cocoa This new regulation will cancel and replace the previous COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 105/2010, … Continue reading NEWS 2023: Aflatoxins and Ocrhatoxin A in cocoa
Proficiency Test for Amoxicillin in medicated feed
The new Regulation (EU) n. 2019/4 relating to medicated feed, which became applicable this year, has led to a modification of the entire control system concerning the food and feed chain. REGULATION (EU) 2019/4 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL Starting from January 28, 2022, the new EU Regulation 2019/4 – on the … Continue reading Proficiency Test for Amoxicillin in medicated feed
New line accredited: Progetto Trieste – Additives
New accreditation for the line of Additives.
Macrolides in fish: you asked for them. Now they are here! … Or do you prefer eggs?
Thanks to your votes in our survey last year, a new proficiency test has been developed and added to our catalogue of Veterinary Drug Residues. We are glad to introduce you the new PT for the research of Macrolides in fish! PT for the research of Macrolides in fish (code SF2310) Round of September Deadline … Continue reading Macrolides in fish: you asked for them. Now they are here! … Or do you prefer eggs?
Pesticides in dried and dehydrated fruit: a growing concern
The consumption of dried and dehydrated fruit is constantly growing in Europe in the last years. This is mainly due to the numerous positive effects that these products have on health, and also considering that they are easily found on large-scale distribution in various formats. The increase in consumption of dried and dehydrated fruit is … Continue reading Pesticides in dried and dehydrated fruit: a growing concern
How much acrylamide is there in your meal?
Acrylamide is a chemical that naturally forms in starchy food products during high-temperature cooking at +120°C and low moisture. It is nowadays well known that, according to 2015 EFSA risk assessment, the presence of acrylamide in food potentially increases the risk of developing cancer for consumers in all age groups. It becomes more and more … Continue reading How much acrylamide is there in your meal?
PTs for pesticides in food: what do participants prefer?
The input from the market often indicates us the need of PTs for specific pesticides in food, but not always… so we decide to collect the needs of the laboratories through several surveys. For honey and milk pesticides proficiency testing schemes we actively involved all our audience in programming, by proposing two surveys in order … Continue reading PTs for pesticides in food: what do participants prefer?
The state of Fusarium contamination in the last decade
In this article we want to highlight the results of a study that examined the presence of mycotoxins, in particular of the Fusarium group, in maize samples from all over the world. The study “MULTIPLE MYCOTOXINS DETECTED IN CORN harvested on four continents in 2020” by Jog Raj, Hunor Farkaš, Zdenka Jakovčević, Marko Vasiljević and … Continue reading The state of Fusarium contamination in the last decade
PT for the research of Thyrostats in Bovine urine
Thyrostats are orally active substances used in medicine and in veterinary medicine to regulate the synthesis of T3 and T4 hormones by the thyroid gland. They can be illecitly administered to livestock for fattering, in fact both of these hormones are involved in metabolism regulation. The use of thyrostats in breeding causes relatively animal body … Continue reading PT for the research of Thyrostats in Bovine urine
PT for the research of nitroimidazoles in bovine muscle
From market needs studies it was found the interest of researching nitroimidazoles in bovine muscle.