In 2022 we proposed for the first time the Proficiency Test for Natamycin in hard cheese, which was planned thanks to our customers valuable collaboration. Throughout the year we constantly interface with the Progetto Trieste participants, gathering their comments, suggestions and requests in order to offer the best possible service to our customers.
Survey responses in 2021 showed concrete interest in a new PT for Natamycin in hard cheese, so we decided to develop it and offer it in the 2022 catalogue to meet market needs.
In general, the results of this PT held in 2022 were satisfactory.
With regard to participant evaluations, 92% of laboratories achieved a satisfactory z-score (|Z-score| or |Z’-score| < 2 (n))!

We are therefore delighted to propose again in 2024 the:
PT for the research of Natamycin in hard cheese
(code CE4206) – Round of June
- Deadline for online orders: May 3rd 2024
- Shipping date: June 17th 2024
- Test Material: hard cheese, 1 sample of 30g
- Analytes: Natamycin (pimaricin)
- Indicative concentrations: < 10 ppm
- The cost is only 305,00 euro. Take advantage of it now, this is a PT that is not scheduled every year, don’t miss the chance to participate!
- Niche PTs: our company is specialized in organizing rare PTs you won’t find anywhere else!
- Matrix “Fit For Purpose”: natamycin is specifically indicated for the treatment of cheeses. Its use stems from problems occurring mainly during the ripening phase, when moulds develop on the surface of the cheese. In routine analyses, a higher positivity for natamycin is found in seasoned cheeses, which is why a matrix was chosen to reflect the needs of the laboratories.
- With us the convenience doubles! For all the PTs that are part of Progetto Trieste it is possible to submit 2 sets of results: with just one subscription you can receive in the Final Report the evaluation of 2 laboratory technicians, or 2 different techniques.
- This PT was developed to meet the many demands of our customers: we do everything to keep innovating!
- SAVE ON SHIPPING COSTS IN JUNE! The PT Progetto Trieste – Additives, Natamycin in hard cheese is scheduled for the Round of June2024. In the same round you will also find PTs from the line of Progetto Trieste – Mycotoxins (pages 24-26) and Progetto Trieste – Acrylamide. Order as many PTs as you like from those that are shipped the same day: shipping costs do not change!
- Test Veritas has more than 25 years of experience as PT provider.
Want to know more about our advantages? Read the news on our website.
If you want to see more details about this or other PTs, such as the schedule, prices… go to this page to download the entire programme.
Here you can find information on HOW TO ORDER.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us at
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