Progetto Trieste - Proficiency Testing Schemes for agri-food sector.
For External Quality Control, Test Veritas offers to its customers the interlaboratory proficiency testing scheme Progetto Trieste.
The main features of Progetto Trieste are:
- Test Materials are mainly incurred
- Z-scores are not affected by screening results
- Screening results are assessed by dedicated criteria
- Two samples with different concentrations are often provided
A Proficiency Testing provides the evaluation of partecipant performance against pre-established criteria by means of interlaboratory comparisons. Test Veritas organizes it through one or more rounds of interlaboratory EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 accredited trials or through trials that follow this international standard requirements.
The accreditation certifies that Progetto Trieste meets the requirements of the standard EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 “Conformity assessment- General requirements for proficiency testing”. You could download the certificate in this page under the section ACCREDITATION.
Test Veritas s.r.l. plans the proficiency testing scheme and gives a prior notice of the programme on this web site; there are several test materials and a time schedule is presented.
Preparation of proficiency test items
Test Veritas s.r.l. produces and distributes test materials in its own laboratory.
In case the proficiency testing schemes distinguish between the participation with confirmatory methods and screening methods, the item code will be identified with letter A and B correspondly: letter A in the sample code corresponds to an amount suitable for confirmatory analysis, letter B corresponds to an amount suitable for screening analysis. In most cases, test materials are incurred, sometimes are spiked. Homogeneity and stability studies are carried out and are always available under request.
The participant laboratories use their own test method for analysing the provided test materials. Afterwards, within a deadline, they submitt the results back to Test Veritas through a dedicated restricted web-platform.
The performance participant assessment in the proficiency testing is provided with a clear and comprehensive Final Report, which includes all participants’ results, their evaluations and the statistical criteria used.
Confidentiality of Results
The identity of partecipants is confidential: after submitting their results, every participating laboratory receives a code that identifies him in the Final Report. The laboratory code is available only inside the participant web account.
Only with specifical authorization from the participant, the Progetto Trieste Secretariat will disclose all or part of the results/evaluation to third parties.
In conformity with ISO/IEC 17043:2010 (point 4.10.4), in exceptional circumstances, when a regualry authority requires proficiency testing results to be directly provided to the authority by the proficiency testing provider, the affected participants shall be notified of this action in writing.
The participants’ list will be published in the Final Report.
The laboratory that participates to the Progetto Trieste – Proficiency Testing Schemes undertakes to keep its result secret and to do not share it with other laboratories before the Final Report is issued.
Detailed complaints and appeals have to be forwarded to within 30 days after the pubblication of the Final Report.
The proficiency testing Progetto Trieste allows:
Analyses laboratories
- to check their own performances
- to compare their own performances to those of the other international laboratories
- to choose the most accurate method
- to demonstrate their competence to other interested parties
Analyses laboratory customers
- to verify which laboratories are good performing
Diagnostic manufacturers
- to improve their products (kits, instruments, purification columns, etc.)
- for product certification
Which advantages are gained when choosing Test Veritas as proficiency testing provider?
- Experience for more than 20 years
- Internationalization: customers from all over the world participate to Progetto Trieste
- ISO 17043:2010 accredited provider
- Separate evaluation data for screening and confirmatory methods
- Test materials are mainly incurred
- Mainly multi-contamined materials are provided
- Often 2 materials with different concentration are provided
- Efficient customer care
On basis of which criteria the test materials “A” or “B” should be chosen? Choose “A” if you use a confirmatory method (i.e. HPLC or GC). Choose “B” if you use the screening method (ELISA, RIA, biosensors, microbiological tests, lateral flow, etc.).
Is it possible to analyse the test material “B” by a confirmatory method? Yes, but the material could be insufficient. Furthermore, your participation could become a participation of type “A”.
Is it possible to analyse the test material “A” by a screening method? Yes, but your results will not be included in the confirmatory results/evaluation data but in the screening results/evaluation data.
Can I participate to a proficiency testing, but not to all the proficiency testing scheduled in that round? Yes, you will subscribe only the proficiency testing of your interest.
Can I participate to a proficiency testing, but searching only some of the molecules under study (not the entire list)? Yes, but you have to consider that you could find a negative sample if the test material is contaminated with the molecules you don’t search; in that case, the proficiency testing will allow to check the specificity of your method.
Can I order more amount of material than the one indicated in the programme? Yes, it is possible to order additional material at a reduced price. Laboratories that order additional material will receive double quantity of material. Additional materials will be sold only in combination with Test Materials. They do not allow to take part into the PT.
Can I give more than one result for the same test material? You can, but just in the case you realize it through more than one subscription for the same test material (warning: to buy additional material does not allow you to submitt an additional result). If only one subscription is bought, only one result will be accepted. In some promotions it could be included the possibility of submitting 2 different results for a single participation subscription.
Why do you provide so many test lyophilized materials? Our Test Material are lyophilized (to be tested after reconstitution), in order to guarantee the stability of the Test Materials, even for long shipment. In this way, regardless of the provenience of the laboratory, every participant can be sure to receive the exact same Test Material as the others. Furthermore, the consensus of participants is more reliable.
Should I submit my results refering to the lyophilized sample? No, the test materials are provided lyophilized (see reason in the above FAQ), but have to be reconstituted for the analysis. Therefore the results should be referred to the materials after reconstitution.
How many participants have the PT? The number of participants changes from one PT to another. There are some PTs with more than 60 participants an other with 15. The PT will take place if at least 15 labs have been subscribed for participating with a confirmatory method.
Progetto Trieste proficiency testing schemes is EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 accredited. You will find indications about PT accreditation inside the programme 2025. Proficiency testing Progetto Trieste presents several technical and qualitative advantages.
We would like to highlight some of the most interesting PTs for 2025:
- Ochratoxin A in green coffee AND roasted coffee (code GC5602)
- Naturally Multicontaminated with Aflatoxins B/G, Fumonisins, Ochratoxin A, DON, ZEN in maize flour (code MA5600) (partial participations are available for this PT)
- Aflatoxins B&G and Ochratoxin A in hazelnut and chocolate spread (code N5603)
- Aflatoxins B&G and Ochratoxin A in rice (code R5707)
- Zearalenone in maize oil (code O5705)
…and many more interesting PTs for mycotoxins, with mainly incurred Test Materials.
- PAH in olive oil (code O5609)
…and many more interesting PTs for acrylamide in several matrices, with mainly Test Materials contaminated by process.
- Beta-lactams in eggs (code E5303)
- Gestagens in animal fat (code M5411)
- NSAIDs in serum (code SE5307)
- Aminoglycosides and Corticosteroids in bovine milk (code M5113)
…and many more interesting PTs for Veterinary Drug Residues! Moreover, for all PTs for nitrofuran metabolites all molecules (AOZ, AMOZ, SEM, AHD, DNSH) will be present!
- SUDAN and other Illegal dyes in chilli sauce (code VF5911)
…and many more interesting PTs for additives!
- Histamine in tuna (code T5400)
- TVBN in tuna (code T5401)
- Pesticides in cereal flour (code WH5801)
- Pesticides in red wine (code W5802)
- Pesticides in dried lentils (code LE5805)
… and many more returning PTs!
- Biocides in vegetables (code VF5806)
- Metals in mussels powder (code SF5907)
- Metals in marine salt (code SA5904)
- Metals in feed (code F5905)
- Metals in beer (code BE5908)
- Metals in tomato sauce (code VF5905)
- Multicontaminated with 10 metals (all present) in wheat flour (code WH5906)
- Multicontaminated with 11 metals (all present) in liver
… and many more returning PTs!
See all the other PTs in the programme, which includes technical details, schedule and prices. You can also find instructions on how to order here.
Evaluation criteria for Histamine and Veterinary Drug Residues, Edited February 2024
Evaluation criteria for Mycotoxins and Process Contaminants, Edited June 2024
Evaluation criteria for Pesticides, Edited February 2024
Evaluation criteria for Metals and Additives, Edited February 2024
Progetto Trieste-Proficiency Testing Schemes have been UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 accredited by ACCREDIA. The accreditation certifies that Progetto Trieste meets the requirements of the standard EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010 “Conformity assessment- General requirements for proficiency testing”.
ACCREDIA confirms, following successful completion of the verification activities carried out, the concession to Test Veritas of the Accreditation as a proficiency testing provider for the schemes reported in the Attachment to the Accreditation Certificate that may be carried out by the accredited office of Test Veritas Srl (Trieste , Italy); the ACCREDIA convention can be viewed on request.
You could download the certificate and the accredited scheme list.
“Detail schemes within the scope of accreditation UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17043 issued by ACCREDIA, as attached rev. 11 to the accreditation certificate. PTP n. 0008 P “:
rev 14 of 11/12/2024
Scheme identity code: Progetto Trieste – Mycotoxins
– Proficiency test field: chemical researches
– Type of the scheme: quantitative and qualitative simultaneous scheme
– Analytes: mycotoxins
Manufactured material, matrix to submit to test | Matrices in details | Analytes in details |
Food for human consumption | grain/cereals | aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2), fumonisins (B1 e B2), zearalenone, deoxynivalenol (DON), ochratoxin A |
coffee (grinded beans), cocoa (grinded beans) | ochratoxin A | |
dried fruit (nuts) | aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2) | |
spices | aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2), ochratoxin A | |
milk and diary products | aflatoxin M1 | |
animal feed | animal feed | aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2) |
drink | fruit juice | patulin |
Scheme identity code: Progetto Trieste – Veterinary Drug Residues
– Proficiency test field: chemical researches
– Type of the scheme: quantitative and qualitative simultaneous scheme
– Analytes: veterinary drug residues (chloramphenicol, sulphonamides, tetracyclines, quinolones and fluoroquinolones, metabolites of nitrofurans and nitrofurans, synthetic steroids, RAL, stilbenes, beta-agonists and ractopamine, corticosteroids, streptomycin, avermectins).
Manufactured material, matrix to submit to test | Matrices in details | Analytes in details |
Food for human consumption | eggs | chloramphenicol, sulphonamides (sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfaquinoxaline, sulfamerazine, sulfadiazine, sulfametoxypyridazine, sulfamonometoxine, sulfathiazol). |
muscle (mammal, poultry, seafood) | chloramphenicol, sulphonamides (sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamerazine, sulfadiazine, sulfametoxypyridazine, sulfamonometoxine, sulfathiazol), nitrofuran metabolites (AOZ, AMOZ, SEM), tetracyclines (oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, doxycycline, tetracycline), quinolones and fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, flumequine, danofloxacin, oxolinic acid, norfloxacin). | |
liver | corticosteroids (dexamethasone, betamethasone, flumethasone, prednisolone), beta-agonists (clenbuterol, salbutamol, terbutaline) and ractopamine. | |
animal gut (casing) | nitrofuran metabolites (AOZ, AMOZ, SEM, AHD, DNSH) | |
honey | chloramphenicol, sulphonamides (sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamerazine, sulfadiazine, sulfametoxypyridazine, sulfamonometoxine, sulfathiazol), tetracyclines (oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, doxycycline, tetracycline), streptomycin (streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin). | |
milk | chloramphenicol, sulphonamides (sulfamethazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfaquinoxaline, sulfamerazine, sulfadiazine, sulfametoxypyridazine, sulfamonometoxine, sulfathiazol), tetracyclines (oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, doxycycline, tetracycline), quinolones and fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, flumequine, danofloxacin, oxolinic acid, norfloxacin), avermectins (eprinomectin, abamectin). | |
animal excreta | urine | synthetic steroids (17alfa-19nortestosterone, 17beta-19nortestosterone, 17alfa-boldenone,17beta-boldenone, 17alfa-trenbolone, 17beta-trenbolone ), RAL (zeranol, taleranol), stilbenes (diethylstilbestrol (cis-DES and trans-DES), hexestrol, dienestrol), corticosteroids (dexamethasone, betamethasone, flumethasone, prednisolone), beta-agonists (clenbuterol, salbutamol, terbutaline) and ractopamine. |
Scheme identity code: Progetto Trieste – Histamine
– Proficiency test field: chemical researches
– Type of the scheme: quantitative and qualitative simultaneous scheme
– Manufactured material, matrix to submit to test: Seafood
– Matrices in details: fish
– Analyte: histamine
Scheme identity code: Progetto Trieste – Pesticide Residues
– Proficiency test field: chemical researches
– Type of the scheme: quantitative simultaneous scheme
– Analytes: pesticides
Manufactured material, matrix to submit to test | Matrices in details | Analytes in details |
fruit and vegetables | tomato, lettuce, spinachs, rocket (rucola) | acephate, atrazine, boscalid, cypermethrin, cis-chlordane, *, coumaphos, dicrotophos, dimethoate, diuron, fenhexamid, iprodion, lambda-cialotrin, linuron, oxicarboxin, *, pyrimethanil, pencycuron, procymidone, thiabendazole, triadimenol, vinclozolin |
apple |
Scheme identity code: Progetto Trieste – Metals
– Proficiency test field: chemical researches
– Type of the scheme: quantitative simultaneous scheme
– Matrices in details: food for human consumption
– Analytes: metals
Manufactured material, matrix to submit to test | Matrices in details | Analytes in details |
food for human consumption | muscle (mammal, poultry, seafood) | lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic |
liver | lead, cadmium, mercury | |
tomato, lettuce, spinach, rocket (rucola) | lead, cadmium, mercury |
Scheme identity code: Progetto Trieste – Additives
– Proficiency test field: chemical researches
– Type of the scheme: quantitative simultaneous scheme
– Matrices in details: food for human consumption
– Analytes: additives
Manufactured material, matrix to submit to test | Matrices in details | Analytes in details |
food for human consumption | tomato, lettuce, spinach, rocket (rucola) | sodium nitrate, NO3 (ionic form) |
Scheme identity code: Progetto Trieste – Processing Contaminants
– Proficiency test field: chemical researches
– Type of the scheme: quantitative simultaneous scheme
– Analytes: processing contaminants
Manufactured material, matrix to submit to test | Matrices in details | Analytes in details |
food for human consumption | potato chips | acrylamide |
Accreditation excludes, in any case, ACCREDIA from any responsibility regarding the offered service.
Previous accredited scheme lists:
For each round it is prepared a Final Report, that contains all the statisticals elaborations of the results of each partecipant and related evaluation, furthermore collects all the information about the analytical method used by each participant.
It is an interesting tool of study to compare performance among analytical methods.
Each participant receives the Final Report, not only for the test materials that has analyzed, but for all the test materials scheduled in the corresponding round.
The file of the Final Report is provided free of charge to participants. A hard copy is available by payment under request.
Final Report could be bought by third parties that has not participated in the round.
Please view some examples of Final Reports, that show the reported contents : Mycotoxins and Acrylamide Final Report (example 1, example 2), Veterinary Drug Residues Final Report (example 3, example 4), Histamine & Other Freshness Final Report (example 5), Pesticide Residues Final Report (example 6) and Metals and Additives Final Report (example 7).
Progetto Trieste – Proficiency Testing Schemes provides, among others, lyophilized PT test materials, in which some water has been removed in order to obtain greater stability during the shipment.
The sample has to be rehydrated before analysis following Progetto Trieste instructions. Those instructions have been provided with the materials and anticipated by email.
We have prepared some videos for supporting the instructions.
These videos show the procedure for reconstituting the lyophilized PT test materials.
WARNING: Do not follow your procedure for lyophilized samples.
After the reconstitution test materials have to be considered as non-lyophilized samples. For example, in case you have received lyophilized egg, after the reconstitution you have to analyse the samples using your analytical method for eggs and not for lyophilized eggs.
We hope that these videos can be a useful tool.
In case of difficulty, please contact us at