The presence of metal residues in food is regulated by REGULATION (EC) No. 1881/2006 for example for rice the maximum values reported are:
Lead in cereals 0,20 (mg/kg wet weight)
Cadmium in rice 0,20 (mg/kg wet weight)
Regarding cadmium, the maximum level was lowered by REGULATION (EU) No. 2021/1323. The new permissible level of cadmium in rice is 0,15 (mg/kg wet weight).
The RASFF 2023.0797, reported a batch of rice coming from Italy that was withdrawn from the market due to a too high cadmium content. Thus, it can be seen how important it is to keep the amount of metal residues in rice under control.
Test Veritas is always on the front line!
To support laboratories that want to assess the quality of this analysis, in 2023 we will offer the:
PT for the research of lead and cadmium in rice
(code R3709)
- Test Material: rice, 1 sample of 50g
- Analites: lead and cadmium
- Both analites will be present in the Test Material
- Indicative concentrations: < 300 ppb
- Shipping date: 16th October 2023
- For this PT it is possbile to submit 2 sets of results.
- The price is only 231,00€
- For all the PTs that are part of Progetto Trieste – Metals it is possible to submit 2 sets of results: with just one subscription you can evaluate 2 laboratory technicians, or 2 different techniques. Both results will be evaluated in the Final Report.
- The Test Material will be provided in grains, so as it is in the routine. This makes the PT fit-for-purpose.
The convenience doesn’t end there!
The shipping date for this PT coincides with the other PTs offered in the October round: by ordering multiple PTs scheduled in the same round you will pay the shipping costs only once! In October, we will provide PTs for different lines: Progetto Trieste – Metals (page 17), Progetto Trieste – Mycotoxins (page 21), Progetto Trieste – Pesticide Residues (page 15) e Progetto Trieste – Additives (page 18). Check our programme to discover all our PTs.
If you want to see more details about this or other PTs, such as the schedule, prices… go to this page to download the entire programme.
Here you can find information on HOW TO ORDER.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us at info@testveritas.com.
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